A New Relationship.
Well, as the title goes, the relationship I'm talking about is my new computer. I have waited years and years for this, a Mac. Oh you glorious Mac, show me the ways!
SO, whats going on now is I am making the transition from Windows to Mac. Having worked with Mac's before, I'm not drowning as some people might be when they first change, but I am drowning in all the amazing things it has to offer. I LOVE IT!
But the main reason I got this new computer was to be able to edit in HD video format. I tried to edit on my laptop but there was no way it was going to work. Wouldn't process it worth a hoot!!!!
But now I'm ready to go!
I got my YOUtube channel up and running so I will def. keep on posting my vlogs and other videos I put together.!!!
Till next time, keep the film a rolling!